This programme is designed for managers and team leaders who want to understand and refine how they engage, support and motivate their teams during organisational change.

There are typical and predictable patterns of behavioural responses to new processes and practices. Working through the stages of these transitions, leaders will be more prepared for managing change and any diverse behaviour they encounter.  And ensuring a more collaborative approach during implementation, will help to make sure there is a smoother navigation and real buy-in for all those affected.  The skill development includes, active listening, clear communication, and managing what can and cannot be controlled so as to minimise the adverse impact on performance and morale.


This courses will enable you to:

  • Understand the psychological stages of change and the necessity of transition
  • Be able to minimise the impact of transition on morale and performance
  • Support individuals at different stages of the change curve
  • Strategies for managing and challenging behaviour through change
  • Impact of what can/cannot be controlled
  • Be able to communicate change more effectively

Without doubt one of the best courses I’ve been on, in terms of practical tips, tailor-made feedback and relevant skills. Highly Recommended

Fiona Green
Ministry of Defence
6 - 12 delegates

As an in-person event

As an entirely virtual programme

As a blended experience with both virtual and in-person delivery